Food is Medicine for Troubling Health Issues
Starting Your Nutritional Guidance Plan
We will utilize blood and stool testing to screen for gut candida, inflammation, parasites, bacterial imbalance (dysbiosis), inadequate digestive enzymes, and prevalence of prebiotics. This data will inform the root cause of your gut dysbiosis.
Imperative to achieving optimal wellness, we will provide nutritional guidance on which foods cause gut disruption, inflammation, and bacterial dysbiosis. Major areas of focus are elimination of inflammatory foods, addressing digestive enzyme deficiencies, a lack of pre/pro biotics, addressing tissue inflammation in the lower/upper gut, and identifying bacterial/viral/parasitic/fungal infection.
Take the first step by scheduling up an initial consultation with Dr. Allyson Page.
Starting Your Nutritional Guidance Plan
We will utilize blood testing to screen for gut candida, and upper and lower gut testing to determine the root cause of your gut dysbiosis.
In addition to personalized data driven interventions, we will provide nutritional guidance on which foods cause gut disruption, inflammation, and bacterial dysbiosis. Major areas of focus are elimination of inflammatory foods, addressing digestive enzyme deficiencies, a lack of pre/pro biotics, and addressing tissue inflammation in the lower/upper gut, and identifying bacterial/viral/parasitic/fungal infection.
Start by setting up a virtual consultation with Dr. Allyson Page.
Monthly Memberships to Improve Your Health
Highly personalized Functional Medicine and Immediate Virtual Urgent Care Offerings (along with the opportunity for unlimited contact with your provider via text/phone), our membership program is an affordable way to build a long-term partnership with an experienced medical provider who genuinely cares about you and your health care journey.
My life has changed dramatically under the care of Dr. Page. In less than a year she’s helped me discover my hypothyroidism, food allergies, and digestion/detox issues that have most likely been affecting me my entire life.